
 In Featured, Pastor Paul's Blog

By Pastor Paul Gauche

Today’s Word: ‘Disciplines’ as in… spirited disciplines and practices that breathe new life and aliveness into us, connecting us to the Spirit, the Divine, our Source.

Someone from the crowd asks Rob, my brother-from-another-mother if he practices any specific spirited disciplines. And, of course, I’m thinking about his riveting teaching through the ancient book of Leviticus, his love for Hebrew words, and how the parables of Jesus definitely have a 21st-century vibe. But Rob pauses and says, “Oh sure…” and then launches into the surprising litany of his spirited disciplines. Rob’s list includes making breakfast for his kids, taking his daughter to school, brewing tea, and spending a couple of hours surfing in the ocean water that, as he is keen to remind us, has the same salt content as a mother’s womb, then back home to focus on the creative work of recording podcasts, writing his next book, doing a read-through of his most recent play, and making art.

Spirited disciplines? Absolutely!

Rob is making a point. The spirited disciplines we practice today lead to a deepened sense of gratitude tomorrow. The spirited discipline of setting an intention to give focused attention to daily practices helps us “cut a groove” in our daily behavior. All of this, of course, reveals more of what it means to be fully human.

Spirited disciplines have their roots in ancient, spirited practice. Engaging in prayer, fasting, public worship, and missional service strengthens the community. Observing solitude, silence, reading scripture, and meditation strengthens the individual and provides ways of deepening our experience of gratitude.

But it’s also the more common, ordinary disciplines of life that help us experience the uncommon and even extraordinary in our daily lives: things like brushing our teeth, writing a note of thanks, noticing the rhythm of our breath, feeling the beat of our heart can even seem like liturgical movements that stir gratitude.

For that, we can be grateful!


Thriving Reflections:

++ What spirited disciplines do you practice?

++ How do those disciplines stir gratitude in your life?

++ How do the disciplines you practice help you thrive?



Paul Gauche is the Pastor of Life Transitions at Prince of Peace. His posts are part of his #100days50words project, where he blogs about a different word each week. You can follow his project on Instagram (@pgauche) or his blog, Thriving Rhythms.

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