Worship Services

Our primary focus in worship is joining together as a community through music, preaching, and prayer to express our love and devotion to our Creator God and be reminded of God’s amazing love for us. Whether you join us online or on campus, all are welcome, just as you are!

This Week’s Online Service

Sundays at 10:30 am — Contemporary Service

Contemporary worship led by the POP Praise Band. Enjoy the most popular worship songs of today in a high-energy, high-tech setting. A modern message with a contemporary presentation.

Sundays at 8:45 am — Classic Service

Classic worship led by the Celebration Choir and Praise Band. Enjoy a mix of popular hymns and modern worship songs, supplemented by the POP Brass Choir, Flute Ensemble, Handbell Choir, and organ. A modern message with a classic presentation.


Special Recordings: Christmas Eve

Downloads & Resources

About Our Worship Services

Weekend Worship
Saturdays | 5:30 pm
Sundays | 8:45 & 10:30 am
Our primary focus in worship is joining together as a community through music, preaching, and prayer to express our love and devotion to our Creator God and be reminded of God’s amazing love for us.

The Sunday 8:45 am on-campus service is a modern message with a classic presentation featuring choir, ensembles, organ, and band where we will sing popular hymns and modern worship songs.

The Saturday 5:30 pm and Sunday 10:30 am on-campus worship services are contemporary with great worship songs of today in a high-energy, high-tech setting. Holy Communion is offered weekly at Saturday worship and the first weekend of each month at all other services. Weekly worship resources can be found on our downloads page.

All are welcome! For more information, contact Worship Arts Director Russ Parrish.

Online Worship
Sundays | 8:45 & 10:30 am
All are welcome to join us each Sunday morning for Online Worship. The service is live on the Prince of Peace Facebook page, on YouTube and this webpage at 10:30 am but there is always beautiful prelude music for those who join us a little early. Services can be watched anytime on Facebook or YouTube afterwards. During Online Worship you can expect amazing music from our talent musicians, a powerful message from our pastoral staff, a time of prayer, a children’s message and more! Weekly worship resources can be found on our downloads page. Come just as you are to experience the love of Jesus! For more information, contact Worship Arts Director Russ Parrish.

POP Kids Worship (Sept-Apr)
Sundays | 10:30 am
Wednesdays | 6:00 pm
POP Kids Worship is a kid-friendly on-campus worship experience for elementary-aged children. All families are welcome! Parent Cue cards and grade-specific GodTime devotionals based on the week’s text and theme are available for download each week. Check out the Children’s Ministry playlist on our YouTube channel to watch the online version of POP Kids Worship and other Children’s Ministry videos. For more information, contact Children’s Director Emily Hagen.

StuMin Worship (Sept-Apr)
Wednesdays | 7:00 pm
StuMin Worship is a high-energy and teen-relevant on-campus worship experience for students in grades 6-12. Parent Cue cards and Family Daily Devotionals based on the week’s text and theme are available for download each week. Check out the Student Ministry playlist on our YouTube channel to watch the online version of StuMin Worship and other Student Ministry videos. For more information, contact Interim Student Ministries Director Jess Olson.

Worship Downloads

Read a transcript or the sermon, or download a copy of this week’s Daily Reading Plan or Small Group Resource on our downloads page.

Subscribe to our POP Podcast on iTunes to access archives of our sermon audio on your computer or mobile device while you’re on the go!

Russ Parrish
Worship Arts Director

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