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The Foundation is a vital part of the long‐term ministry and Vision of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. By making grants available to ministries and initiatives, The Foundation supports efforts to provide hope and wholeness to all people. A gift to the Prince of Peace Foundation is a gift that can perpetuate God’s work beyond your lifetime and create a legacy with your charitable giving. You can make a difference in the lives of people for decades to come.
Donate | Apply For A Grant | About the Foundation
When you contribute to the Foundation you sustain the mission and future of Prince of Peace ministries. Make a one‐time donation or ongoing contribution to the Foundation.
The Foundation continually seeks to support the ministries that allow Prince of Peace to be the hands, heart and feet of Jesus in the world. The Foundation provides support for Prince of Peace ministry and for projects and initiatives for partners of Prince of Peace. The Foundation does not support political expenditures, directly or indirectly. Grant recipients must be a non-profit entity. No funds are granted for direct benefit of an individual.
To apply for a grant from the Prince of Peace Foundation, download a grant application (pdf) and email to Kienan Mick.
The Foundation is tax exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is a separate entity of Prince of Peace Church, established to accept gifts that are held in an endowment fund. The principal of the gifted funds is invested in perpetuity. Each year, up to four percent of the Foundation’s balance is granted.
The purpose of the Foundation is to:
The Prince of Peace Foundation exists to grow disciples by supporting and investing in experiences that change lives.
Gifts to the Prince of Peace Foundation provide support for God’s work through Prince of Peace beyond our lifetime. There are several ways to make a gift to the Prince of Peace Foundation, including a cash contribution, estate gift, or appreciated securities. View giving options.
Many businesses will match employee charitable contributions. The Foundation of Prince of Peace (Federal EIN: 41‐1882505) is a separate legal entity from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, which may allow your employer to match your gift.
Foundation Board:
Tom Schlick (Chair) Geoff Pettis (Vice Chair) Randy Gatzke (Secretary) Emily Hammerstrom (Treasurer) Kathy Culp Vonnie Kahnert Kathy Kieffer DeAnn Purcelli Nicole Rees
Board of Directors Liaison: Iver Johnson
Foundation Board Application (.pdf) Foundation Board Role & Commitment (.pdf)
May 2022 February 2022 November 2021 August 2021 May 2021 February 2021 November 2020 August 2020 May 2020 February 2020 November 2019
CONTACT Kienan Mick Finance Director 952-435-8102 Email
The information on this Web site is not intended as legal or tax advice, but as accurate and authoritative general information. For legal advice or financial advice, please consult an attorney and/or financial advisor.
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