Children’s Ministry meets September – April to journey with young families as they seek to grow together in faith. Through weekly worship and small group time, annual Keeping the Promise family experiences, and ongoing opportunities to serve together, families have the opportunity to build community with others while deepening their relationships with God and with one another.

Children’s Ministry | Curriculum | Registration | Upcoming Events | Keeping the Promise | Young Families | Social Media

Children’s Ministry

POP Child Care

During all worship services, select events, Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings
POP Child Care offers care for children ages 6 weeks to grade 5 to support the many ministries at Prince of Peace. Our caring and dedicated staff is trained in CPR and First Aid. Every adult who interacts with children is required to have a background check. We have dedicated space for children filled with age-appropriate toys, equipment, and activities. Detailed plans and policies are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.


Sundays 10:30 am 
POP Pre-K (ages 3-5) explores key Bible stories in an engaging and age-appropriate atmosphere. Every lesson is designed to gather preschoolers together into a welcoming environment, dig into a foundational Bible story, and help kids see themselves in the story in a way that builds faith. Lessons are reinforced, and community encouraged, through activities, games, music, and art.

POP Kids

Sundays 10:30 am| Wednesdays 6:00 pm
POP Kids (grade K-5) seeks to help young disciples trust God’s character and experience Christian community. Our weekly worship experience and small group time is designed to focus on these three basic truths: I can trust God no matter what; I need to make the wise choice; I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

POP Praise Choir

Sundays 10:00 – 10:30 am | Wednesdays 5:15 – 5:45 pm

POP Praise Choir (Grades K-5) meets weekly to learn fun, high-energy music while building lasting friendships. Our youngest singers learn music fundamentals and begin to develop their beautiful singing voices. Experienced singers in Grades 4 and 5 have opportunities to grow into leaders through part singing, solos, musical theater roles, and leading worship music. We combine singing with other music learning fun including tone chimes, handbells, and ukuleles. All are welcome to sing with us. No audition needed! Kids can choose to practice with the choir on Wednesday nights (5:15-5:45 pm) or Sunday mornings (10:00-10:30 am).

We share the music we have learned in Sunday morning worship approximately once per month and through two large-scale productions: a special Advent worship service featuring music/drama led by POP kids and a fully staged Spring Musical.

Praise Choir graduates (in Grades 6-7) are invited to serve in Crew 108 to live out the words of Psalm 108: “My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing praises, even with my soul.” These choir leaders continue serving God through music by helping our newest singers feel at home in the group and assisting with musical theater productions.

4|5 Leadership Squad

Open to students in grade 4-5
Consider being a part of the 4|5 Leadership Squad to help us with POP Kids worship ministry. This opportunity provides the chance to grow deeper in faith, richer in community and further in your gifts. Positions/roles available: worship leader, drama presentation, tech assistance and ushering. Contact Dawn Ridgway to get involved.

Our family resources are based on the week’s text and theme and are available to download each week.


ParentCue | A tool for parents based on the weekly theme for continuing the conversation at home.


GodTime | A 4-day devotional for elementary-aged kids based on the weekly theme


2024-2025 Family Ministry registration is now open.

Fee: $75 per child | $190 family max

If you need to make alternate payment arrangements, complete the form and then contact Dawn [email protected].

Volunteer Registration

Interested in volunteering? Please register below. Volunteers 18 yrs+ may be required to complete a background check.

Upcoming Children’s Ministry Events

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Keeping The Promise Family Experiences

Prince of Peace has dedicated one day each year in the life of your child to remember the promises made during baptism. Keeping the Promise Family Experiences (KTP) are designed to teach children about Christian life and equip families to deepen their faith at home. KTPs are included within the POP Kids ministry schedule.

Preschool (First Year) | Holy Scriptures

In response to the promise of placing the Holy Scriptures in your child’s hands, at this KTP families will be invited to place a brand new Story Bible into the hands of your preschooler.

Kindergarten | Nurturing Your Child in Faith

In response to the promise to nurture children in faith, this KTP explores a simple at-home faith practice called FAITH5 which provides a framework for intentionally and consistently connecting with one another and with God.

1st Grade | Lord's Prayer

In response to the promise to teach children the Lord’s Prayer, this KTP will give families the opportunity to learn about the significance of prayer. First graders and their families will explore many different ways to pray, including learning the Lord’s Prayer in song and motion!

2nd Grade | Holy Scriptures

In response to the promise of placing the Holy Scriptures in your child’s hands, at this KTP families will be invited to place a brand new Bible into the hands of your second grader. Then, families will come together to crack the bindings and explore the Bible in a fun and immersive family experience.

3rd Grade | Ten Commandments

In response to the promise to teach children the Ten Commandments, this KTP will give families the opportunity to learn about the significance of the Ten Commandments. Third graders and their families will learn about the history and meaning of the Ten Commandments through engaging hands-on activities.

4th Grade & Older | First Communion

In response to the promise to bring children to worship to be strengthened with Communion, this KTP will give families the opportunity to learn about the history and significance of this Holy Sacrament, logistics around Communion at Prince of Peace, and decorate stoles to wear when they receive their First Communion.

5th Grade | Apostles’ Creed

In response to the promise to teach children the Apostles’ Creed, this KTP will give us the opportunity to explore the meaning behind this very important declaration of faith. Fifth graders and their families will look at the different pieces of the Apostles’ Creed and come to understand what it means to our faith journey.

Opportunities for Young Families


In baptism, we celebrate God’s embrace along with the promise to never let go. While we acknowledge that God has known us from the beginning, baptism is the tangible, physical expression of God’s love and grace in our lives. Baptism is also the time for friends and family along with the Prince of Peace community to promise to welcome, support and grow in faith right along with those who are being baptized as they grow in their love for God, each other and the world. While we commonly baptize children at Prince of Peace, adults who have not been baptized and who wish to explore a life of faith and a relationship with Jesus Christ are also encouraged to be baptized. 

To be baptized at Prince of Peace, we require attendance at any one of our quarterly Baptism Connections experiences. In this experience, parents bring their child to be baptized and adults wishing to be baptized will gather to connect with others from Prince of Peace, learn about the meaning of baptism, and walk-through the process of being baptized.  

After Baptism Connections, you will be able to schedule a date for baptism from our list of available dates.

If you have questions or would like to register for Baptism Connections:

Dawn Ridgway
Family Ministry Project Manager
[email protected]

CDLC Preschool (age 3-5)

The Child Development and Learning Center (CDLC) offers a safe, loving Christian environment with respect and support for all children and families. We provide opportunities for each child to define self, understand who they are and discover their role within the community.

CDLC of Prince of Peace, founded in 1971, is a Christian preschool for children ages 3-5. We welcome children of any cultural background or religious affiliation.

At CDLC we strive to provide and develop strong self-esteem in our children allowing them to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. The curriculum is carefully designed to provide hands-on activities for children in the areas of large motor, cooking, music, creative arts, science and story.

Visit the CDLC website

The MomCo

The MomCo, formerly known as MOPS, is an opportunity for pregnant moms through moms of school-aged kids to surround yourself with other moms for a supportive community, service projects, fun crafts and DIYs, and inspiring guest speakers.

Like MomCo at POP on Facebook.
Follow MomCo at POP on Twitter.

Register for MomCo

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for photos, videos, resources and news from Children’s Ministry.

Emily Hagen
Children’s Ministry & Music Director

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