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Spiritual disciplines bring us closer to God and can transform our lives. Below you will find several resources to help you develop some of the most common spiritual disciplines. These resources are recommended by our pastors and many of them are used by our staff in their spiritual journeys.
Bible Translations | Books | Websites | Apps | Spiritual Practices | Spiritual Direction | Racial Justice Resources | Don’t Know Where to Begin?
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. Our English Bibles are translations of these ancient languages. Translation is an art form, and always carries the biases of the translators. And that’s why there are so many different translations of the Bible. Here are the three translations we use most often at Prince of Peace:
All three translations, and many others, can be viewed for free at Biblegateway.com or on the YouVersion app. Pick a few Bible passages and read each in all three translations. See which translation speaks most clearly to you.
“We are all spiritually hungry. We all need someone to walk with us. To journey with us. To give us courage, to give us incentive, to give us inspiration. And that’s what a spiritual director is. That’s what we do.” Re. Dr. Carol Vaccariello
A Spiritual Director is a companion who walks with you on your spiritual journey; serves as a witness to the voice and discernment of God’s guidance in your life; offers compassionate listening as you explore questions, concerns, and feelings; is helpful during life transitions, spiritual crisis, or if you are desiring to grow deeper in your faith.
Spiritual direction is often offered as a one-to-one or group experience in private sessions with spiritual mentors who have most likely completed extensive formation for the ministry and service of spiritual direction.
Recommended Spiritual Directors in the area:
Are you looking for ways to learn more about racial justice? The Prince of Peace leadership recommends these resources to help you learn about and fight racism with grace, gentleness and persistence. Let’s put our faith into action as we listen, learn and actively engage in anti-racism. Racial Justice Resources
Spiritual formation can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Like every great journey it begins by taking a single step. Pick one of the three below and commit to 10 minutes each morning:
And whatever you do, don’t forget – spiritual formation isn’t about “doing it right.” It’s about focusing our attention in the right direction: on God’s love for us that’s been revealed in Jesus.
CONTACT Julie Klein Executive Assistant email 952-898-9308.
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