A Prayer for Our Congregation

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Our lives are like quilts of intricate designs

With lovely patterns taking shape as the colors intertwine,

Some of the designs we create ourselves

By things we choose to do—-

Sometimes our loving God adds a special hue,

And though tomorrow’s pattern is not for us to see—-

We can trust God’s faithful, loving hand throughout eternity.

Join me as we unite in prayer and trust.

Use this prayer as your prayer or let it remind you to

pray in your own way.

~ Marilyn Tubbs


A special prayer for our congregation as we WAIT and HOPE!!!!

God of insight, wisdom, guidance and direction, our church, your church, is once again, in the process of letting go and being open to new beginnings. We feel sadness, anxiety, and loss mixed in with hopefulness for new opportunities and beginnings. Teach us to be diligent in prayer as we walk into our future. Fill our leaders and call committees with your gifts of patience and discernment. Grant us hearts that unite us in our search and a oneness as we move into the future. In the midst of our changes and transitions, hold us close and fill us with patience, unity and love. You have led us and richly blest us in the past, empower us to believe and trust that you hold our future with the same love and blessings. Loving God, give us hearts for our journey and faiths that sustain us.

For in your powerful name we pray, Amen.