0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 30, 2020FirstBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘First’ as in… the First Day of School. I’ve always loved the beginning of a new school year. Waking up on the morning of the first day of school with my heart [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 20, 2020MotivationBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Motivation’ as in… “What’s your motivation for doing what you’re doing right now?” Andy Puddicombe is a definitely a brother from another mother. He’s [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 15, 2020Today’s Word: CanaaniteBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: Canaanite as in… another beautiful, ancient, subversive, poetic, provocative, scandalous, mysterious, revealing, and inspired reminder that Jesus goes [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 6, 2020Today’s Word: DesperationBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: desperation as in… Christ meets us in ours. Not long ago a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. The news literally took the wind out of me. When I [...] READ MORE