Interest Groups
All Abilities Advocates
3rd Wednesday of the Month | 6:00 pm | POP
Art Guild
2nd Tuesday of the Month | 4:30 pm | POP Lounge
Church Mice
Twice a Week
A group that accomplishes “handyman” projects around the church, including minor repairs, basic building, recycling, and more. Connection and collaboration are key! No prior skill set or experience necessary.
Contact Kurt Oestreich: [email protected]
Comfort Quilters
1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays | 9:00 am | 129 Commons
Anyone interested in making quilts is invited to join the Comfort Quilters Group. No experience necessary! Help us cut, sew and tie block quilts for Mission Outpost guests and others in our community who need warmth and comfort.
Contact Carol Durand: [email protected] or call Patty at 952-890-4514
Creation Care
1st & 3rd Monday | 6:30 pm | Room 200E
We explore our responsibility as stewards to care for God’s creation and our role in restoring the earth for our children and grandchildren. We meet with InterFaith Creation Care: South Metro, made up of representatives from seventeen faith communities. Please join us! All are welcome!
We meet in person but will continue to provide access via Zoom for those who wish to join us remotely.
Contact Curt Carlson to receive the meeting link, with questions or for more information. Please include “Creation Care” in the subject line of emails. Visit our website.
Contact Curt Carlson: [email protected] or 952-913-1544
Diaper Ministry
Second Wednesday | 9:00 am | 129 Commons
This group transforms t-shirts into diapers for people in need. Help us cut, sew, and distribute diapers. No experience needed.
Contact Nancy Ferche: [email protected]
POP Photo Club
3rd Thursday of the Month | 9:00 am | Zoom
Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or camera gear to Photo Club! We currently meet on Zoom for sharing photos and for sharing experiences in Lightroom and Photoshop. We also go on photo shoots as a group around the Twin Cities and share the photos from those events and learn from each other. Come and join the fun!
Contact Brenda Erickson: [email protected]
POP Singles 55+
Second Monday of the Month | 6:30 pm | 200B/C
Are you single and looking to connect with other singles 55+ at POP? Join our Adult Singles Small Group! Meet for monthly activities including game nights, meals out together, and more! Get to know others in the POP community, especially for POP events like the picnic, concerts, etc. Open to men and women. We’d welcome you and any other POP singles you’d like to bring, plus any ideas/suggestions for activities.
Contact Marlene Robertson: [email protected]
Contact Amy Kalsow, Community Life Director: [email protected] or 952-898-9393