Core Beliefs
Love God. Love People.
Loving God and each other is central to our life together. We hope that your life is transformed by the Gospel in a way that helps you understand how much you are loved, and how equipped you are to share that love with the community.
We value all kinds of things: Service. Connection. Community. Collaboration. Belonging. Music. Art. Creativity. Discussion. Food. Children. Seniors. Diversity. Healing. Understanding. Patience. Learning. Growing. Warmth. Love.
Lived experience, the biblical narrative, community, thoughtful discussions, listening with our hearts and minds, sharing life together, serving our neighbors, and showing up in the best way we can all inform our theology at Prince of Peace. We are Lutheran at the core, which essentially means we believe God loves all of us exactly as we are. There’s nothing we can do about it; we can’t earn or lose it. But we can share it. And we do, in all kinds of ways.
We are a fully affirming congregation. Come as you are! We love you exactly that way, and we’d love to hear your story.
Do we need to list Bible verses?
We love so many of them, but they’re each just one piece of a larger narrative. The best way to understand them is in story form and in community. Our theology doesn’t hinge on a sentence here or a verse there, but rather on the complete story of God’s relentless and ongoing love, cycles of forgiveness and renewal, a progression of ever-expanding understanding and inclusion. The more we’re open to discussion and learning, the more layered, colorful and multi-faceted God appears.
What do these ancient words mean to you? Let’s dive into the stories together. You are invited to bring your questions and ideas, your curiosity and doubts, to Bible Study. You don’t need to be a scholar or have any experience of any kind. We’d love to see you there!
Prince of Peace will be known as a connecting church, working collaboratively with schools, churches, local government, campus partners, other organizations and the business community, and providing hope and wholeness to all people, with specific focus on children, seniors and people in poverty in the south metro area.
Past and Future
Prince of Peace wasn’t your typical church when it began in 1963. We moved to Burnsville when it was mostly corn fields. We started an outdoor worship service in the old Lucky Twin Drive‐In Theater, using the projection building as a stage. We have adapted to changing times and changing demographics for more than 60 years, always trying to keep the Gospel at the center of each new turn.
Looking to the future and changing to meet the needs of a new generation has always been a part of our DNA. We will continue to move where the Spirit leads us. Do you know of needs in the community that Prince of Peace could fill? Do you have ministry ideas, or a desire to get involved? Let us know! Email Amy at [email protected].