Connect with the Prince of Peace community
There are many ways to connect at Prince of Peace! From worship to Bible study, from volunteering in the Mission Outpost to mission trips, from social gatherings to small groups, from student and children's ministry to Men's Ministry breakfasts, from joining the Art Guild to helping with tech during worship ... there is a place for you!
Fill out the Connect form below to get started.
Are you interested in joining Prince of Peace?
We would love to walk with you on your journey of faith! Please join us in mission and ministry as we figure out together how to be followers of Jesus in the world today.
We offer series of two information sessions so you can get to know more about us: our pastoral staff, our core values, what it means to be Lutheran, and things like that. And we can get to know you: your interests, your calling, what led you to Prince of Peace.
There are no tests, and we will never tell you what to believe. Everyone is welcome on this journey, no matter what.
Our next New Member Class Series is scheduled for Sunday, March 23 and Sunday, March 30 after our 10:30 am worship service. Registration will be available soon.
If you have questions about becoming a member, email Julie Klein at [email protected].
Get the latest news
The best way to stay in the loop with everything Prince of Peace is to sign up for the Monthly Direction, our e-newsletter delivered via email the first Monday of every month. You will also get the POP Five, which is a brief weekly update.
You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Don’t forget to check out our podcast and Spotify playlist, as well!
Rent our space!
Do you need space for your next meeting, conference, concert, or luncheon? Look through our space rental informational booklet (coming soon to this space) for details.
If you need information now, contact Amy Kalsow at [email protected].