News and Stories
POP in the Community
At Prince of Peace, we are serious about loving God and loving people, and we want to share stories about how POP has impacted the community. You can see some of these stories on YouTube, and in the videos below. Do you have a story to share? Contact Nina at [email protected].
POP News
A Prayer for Our Congregation
Our lives are like quilts of intricate designs With lovely patterns taking shape as the colors intertwine, Some of the designs we create ourselves By things we choose to do—- Sometimes our loving God adds a special hue, And though tomorrow’s pattern is not for us to see—- We can trust God’s faithful, loving hand […]
Call Committee: Associate Pastor of Young Adult Ministry
We are excited to begin the search for our new Associate Pastor of Young Adult Ministry, formerly referred to as the NextGen Pastor. Following our Constitution, the Board of Directors recently recruited and appointed a Call Committee. We thank the following Prince of Peace members for their willingness to serve on the Call Committee: Lindsey Bauer, […]
Special Announcement From The Columbarium Committee
February 16, 2024 Dear Prince of Peace, We are pleased to announce that the Prince of Peace Board, Executive Leadership Team and Columbarium Committee are moving forward in designing the long-awaited Prince of Peace Columbarium and Memorial Garden. After several years of fundraising, we are now asking for your input to help us determine how to move forward as […]