WEATHER CLOSURE (2/18): The Child Development and Learning Center and Prince of Peace offices are closed today, Tuesday, February 18, due to inclement weather. All scheduled activities are cancelled. Mission Outpost will remain open for regular business hours, including the tax preparation sessions. Stay warm and safe!

A Letter to the Congregation from the Board of Directors: May 16, 2024

News & Stories

May 16, 2024

To the Congregants of Prince of Peace,

With transition, change and growth often comes with uncertainty and unease. Prince of Peace is traversing those times of change and growth now, and some of those transitions have led to uncertainty. We recognize that uncertainty and we hear you. We want to assure the congregation that the Board of Directors has been, and continues, working closely with church leadership on transitions, changes and plans for growth.

In 2023, when Pastor Paul Dean was called to Prince of Peace, there was great excitement about our future. Visions of full seats, healthy family ministry programs and returning familiar faces filled us all. We on the board have been working closely with the executive team on those visions and strategies to reach them. We are very excited for our future and the plans the team is bringing.

We have seen the addition of Dan Nordin as Pastor of Spiritual Care and Visitation and in the next few months, we will see the additions of an Associate Pastor of Young Adult Ministry and an Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation. There is also discussion with additional pastors to fill our spiritual care team.

As was announced on Tuesday, Russ Parrish will be returning to Prince of Peace to lead our Worship Arts Ministry, bringing rejuvenation to our worship experiences. Additionally, work is ongoing to call a new Director of Traditional Worship and Music Ministries to Prince of Peace to continue our traditional worship music and thriving choir.

Throughout all of the transition, the board has worked closely with executive leaders and staff on maintaining the mission, ministry and beliefs of Prince of Peace that brings us all here. We are grateful for and support Pastor Paul’s leadership and vision as he leads our church forward through transition and into a new chapter of ministry. Your continued prayers and trust as our church navigates these changes in our ministry are greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to contact us in the days, weeks and months ahead. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to contact us directly at [email protected] with any questions. We are here to support you, the congregation, as well as the staff and community.

We strongly believe that the future is bright for Prince of Peace, and we are happy you are part of this congregation!

In Christ,

Prince of Peace Board of Directors

Barb Peterson                           Iver Johnson                             Josh Tuchscherer
Jay Olstad                                  Gene Mickelson                       Tom Nelson
Donna Blaul                              Marlene Robertson                 Diane Horsager