Support Groups
For immediate help, please call Prince of Peace at 952‐435‐8102. On‐call Ministers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
12 Steps for Christian Living
Sundays | 10:00 – 11:00 am | Room 200A
This supportive group of men and women share their experiences, strength and hope as they work toward personal, relational and spiritual growth. They use the 12-Step format as a model for spiritual growth.
Call Kay at 952-649-9514
Alcoholic Anonymous
Monday ‐ Thursday | noon ‐ 1:00 pm | Room 200BC
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial and apolitical. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
Contact Greater Minneapolis Intergroup, 952‐922‐0880 (24/7 phone support),
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Thursdays | 6:00 – 8:00 pm | Room 200 E
A Twelve Step, Twelve Traditions program for people who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.
Caregiver Support
3rd and 4th Wednesdays of each month | 1:00 pm | Room 200A
In partnership with DARTS, Caregiver Support provides a safe, supportive environment where family caregivers come together to discuss concerns with trained facilitators and to learn from others caring for a loved one.
Contact Vicki Patterson, Licensed Social Worker: 651-234-2255
Grief Support Series
10-week series | Mondays | 6:00-7:30 pm | Chapel | No meetings on Holidays
- Introduction to Grief
- Beyond Closure
- How Grief Affects Our Minds
- How Grief Affects Us Physically
- Emotional Aspects of Grief
- Spiritual Aspects of Grief
- Grief Amidst the Holidays
- Grief in our Families and Communities
- Complicated Grief
- What We Learn from Other Traditions/Cultures
Contact: Dan Nordin, Pastor of Spiritual Care and Visitation: [email protected] or 952‐898‐9312
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
2nd Monday of the Month | 6:30-8:00 pm | Room 200E
PFLAG supports parents, family, allies and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons. We are a place of love and acceptance with members from all walks of life. Following a presentation on a topic of interest, we break into small groups for parents and family, friends and allies, LGBTQ, and straight spouse.
Contact Susan Allen: email
Parkinson's Support
1st Thursday of the month | 2:00 pm | Community Room
Persons with Dementia
2nd Wednesday of the month | 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Build a support system with people who understand. This support group for people with dementia provides information, resources, and support directly to the person impacted. Alzheimer’s Association® support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for people with dementia to develop a support system, exchange practical information on living well with dementia, learn about community resources, and talk through issues & concerns.
For questions and to schedule a screening, contact: Kari Snyder, Director of Senior Ministries, at [email protected] or 952-898-9357.
For additional information on Alzheimer’s support groups, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at