Strategic Planning Process Congregational Survey Results 

News & Stories

As part of our ongoing strategic planning initiative, we are providing an update on the progress made since we first launched this effort in the fall.

One of the initial steps was to engage with the congregation through a survey to understand your priorities for the future of our church. With 798 members participating in October, the survey results have provided valuable insight as we lean further into the process. You are invited to see the results by viewing the recap video found below.

Looking ahead, the strategic planning team will have a second retreat — originally scheduled for January — in March to refine our vision, set strategic priorities and identify champions for each priority. We will update you on the progress made during this retreat in the April Direction.

We appreciate your continued involvement as we work diligently on both a strategic plan and a capital campaign feasibility study for 2025. These initiatives are critical to ensuring a clear and focused direction for Prince of Peace, and we are grateful for your input and support as we move forward.