Where Do You Fit in the POP Vision?

 In Vision

 by Susan Jambor

Where do YOU see yourself in God’s Vision for Prince of Peace? The Implementation Team has begun to roll up our sleeves and discuss which core subteams we’ll need to plan and implement (see below). If you enjoy providing clarity to unformed goals, now is the time to engage. If you’d like to wait until more specific tasks are defined, stay tuned for further information in our monthly Direction or online.  e Implementation Team (Diane Burrow, Bernie Dusich, Matt Johnson, Jeff Marian, Eric Miller, Taya Theis, Marilyn Tubbs, Jane Victorey, Christine Walth) can be reached by emailing [email protected], leaving a message with our front desk (952-435-8102) or stopping by the Welcome Desk on the weekend to drop them a note. Please let the Implementation Team know which subteam you’d like to participate in. YOU are Prince of Peace!

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