Online Worship Host By Prince of Peace Posted January 26, 2021 In Online Worship Host2021-01-262024-03-18 of Peace Lutheran Church 0 The Prince of Peace Communication Team is looking for people to help moderate the POP Facebook page during Sunday Online Worship. Volunteers can work from home. Post on Prince of Peace Facebook page as Prince of Peace (staff will make you a moderator before worship and remove you after) At the beginning of the countdown, post initial welcome message (provided by staff) Posts links and announcements throughout the service (will involve toggling back and forth between Facebook and a Word document; comments and links along with approximate time stamp will be provided by staff) Pin links and comment to top of the comment thread Watch for and hide any inappropriate comments (guidelines provided by staff) Watch for and respond to questions and prayer requests (using FAQ list provided by staff) Send staff a list of people who requested prayers, any issues, or any questions that came up Must have access to a computer/tablet with a reliable internet connection Experience/skills needed: Engaged member of the Prince of Peace community with general knowledge of our mission, ministries, and upcoming events Comfortable using Facebook to post comments, pin comments and interact with our online community Ability to multi-task Weekly time commitment: 45 minutes during service (starting at 9:35) + about 15-30 minutes of preparation; 1 or more Sundays per month Training will be provided. If you have questions or are interested, contact Nina Sveinson for more information. Prince of Peace Recent PostsPrince of Peace Welcomes Pastor Sarah FikeSpecial Congregational Meeting (8/24 & 8/25): Letter of Call for Associate Pastor of Spiritual FormationPrince of Peace Welcomes Adam Giebner as Choir DirectorTanzania Mission Trip: Friday (7/19) Update