Volunteer for Outdoor Worship

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This summer marks the 50th anniversary of Outdoor Worship at Prince of Peace. We are so excited to be able to gather in God’s outdoor sanctuary once again. The Saturday 5:30 pm and Sunday 10:30 am worship services will be outside all summer starting the weekend of June 4 & 5.  Each week we will have meaningful worship planned with special hands-on experiences for children, wonderful music (with a few surprises), great messages and fellowship.

We need your help to make Outdoor Worship the best it can be. Here are a few ways you can help:


Preparing the Space for Outdoor Worship

Garden Clean up. Let’s brighten up the Circle Drive area with some more flowers and shrubs to provide a beautiful and contemplative backdrop for Outdoor Worship! If you are a home gardener willing to volunteer a couple of hours or a few perennials, contact Emily this week to join the team.

Creating the Kid Zone. Help us install fencing to create a fun and safe place for our children to play and learn. Contact Kurt this week.


Weekly Set Up and Tear Down

Media Arts Volunteer. We are looking for motivated volunteers to help with setting up the Sound System and Backline for outdoor worship. Must be able to lift 40lbs and take direction from the Lead Technician assigned to the service. No tech experience required. You will get basic on job training from the Lead Technician.

Reoccurring Times (Volunteers are not required to be available every day of every weekend. But will need to be available during the entire time slot for the day they volunteer):

  • Saturday: 3pm – 7pm
  • Sunday: 7am – 12pm

Contact Darren.

Chair Set up and Take Down: Set up stacking chairs before both Saturday 5:30 pm worship and Sunday 10:30 am worship, then putting them away after the services. Contact Kurt.

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