The Disunity of our Political Climate By popmn Posted October 14, 2019 In Pastor Jeff's Blog The Disunity of our Political Climate2019-10-142019-10-14 of Peace Lutheran Church 3 There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:28 Last week President Trump and Vice-President Pence visited Minnesota. Not surprisingly the visit ramped up the rhetoric between the President’s supporters and critics. Social media feeds looked like verbal snowball fights. People weren’t debating the issues. They were too busy pelting one another with insults. It felt like being back in middle school. Tragically, some of the worst offenders on both sides were people who claim to be followers of Jesus. One of the most profound implications of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is that in baptism we are all made one. All the distinctions we’ve created to sort and divide ourselves have been washed away. Our unity is not in our race, gender, economic status or political affiliation. Our unity is in Christ alone. And when we demonize one another based on our differences we deny what Christ has done. Can we disagree with one another? Absolutely. Can we vigorously debate issues? Certainly. But we wound the body of Christ when followers of Jesus abuse one another based on our political differences. We deny what Jesus’ death and resurrection accomplished. The most beautiful example I’ve seen recently of living well despite our difference comes from a woman who does not claim to be a Christian but who, from my perspective, seems to consistently live out so much of what Jesus taught. Check out her story here. Come on Church. We can do better. We must do better. What a great opportunity we have to bear witness to a different way of being. The world is hungry to know a community in which love and kindness are more powerful than fear and division. By grace we are that community, so let’s live like it. Jeff Marian serves as lead pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN popmn Recent PostsPrince of Peace Welcomes Pastor Sarah FikeSpecial Congregational Meeting (8/24 & 8/25): Letter of Call for Associate Pastor of Spiritual FormationPrince of Peace Welcomes Adam Giebner as Choir DirectorTanzania Mission Trip: Friday (7/19) Update Showing 3 comments Bonnie Dyer Featherstone October 14, 2019 Thank you for your reassurance to take a breath, be informed , be patient , and be kind which will help me tread man made perilous waters. It is calming to know I don’t need an opinion on everything ???? Blessings Vonnie Kahnert October 14, 2019 Thank you, Pastor Jeff, for your beautiful message. We are all one because Jesus died for all. He waits patiently for each of us to acknowledge Him and when we do we just need to ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” “What would Jesus say?” He was patient and kind to all He met. He was available to anyone who approached Him. I loved watching “the story” you suggested on Utube. Yes!!!!! It was like a parable for differences with such a gr8 sense of humor. “Be kind… no matter to whom.” We are the hands and feet and voice of Jesus. The choices we make are important. In all things show grandmother’s and mother‘s words over and over again, because they knew Jesus. How thankful I am for hearing those words over and over again as I grew up. How thankful I am for being loved by Jesus. Donna October 15, 2019 Thank you, Pastor Jeff!