
 In Featured, Pastor Paul's Blog

By Pastor Paul Gauche

Today’s Word: ‘RESURRECTION’ as in… Easter!

Thanks be to God for the power of God’s amazing grace and awesome love for all people everywhere – no exceptions! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!

Because of this day – this Easter day, every day is a new day of resurrection. Because of this day – this Easter day, we can celebrate the power of God’s love with us, for us, in us, and through us – not only  making a difference in the world, but making a different world completely!

Because of this day – this Easter day, we embrace the power of life over death, and we give voice and witness to this power of new life that changes everything. The Good News of Easter is that now the possibilities are endless; resurrection changes everything! What does resurrection do?

Resurrection finds a way to create the hope, honor the past, unleash the present, empower the weak, fulfill the dreams, sustain the weary, and celebrate the simple.

Resurrection resolves to delight in the young, inspire the old, release the bound, feed the hungry, articulate the beauty, paint outside the lines, and launch the idea.

Resurrection makes it possible to overwhelm the hate, multiply the love, soften the heart, heal the sick, welcome the stranger, invite the lonely, and mend the broken.

Resurrection shows the way to enjoy the moment, lead the followers, follow the leaders, see the possibilities, transform the expectations, expect the transformation, and unlock the courage.

Resurrection creates ability to believe the unbelievable, bring order to the chaos, renew the used, use the renewed, involve the periphery, trust the process, and settle the differences.

Resurrection opens hearts to help the helpless, cancel the debt, lighten the load, brighten the darkness, embrace the prodigal, return the favor, and generate open-heartedness.

Resurrection empowers people to imagine the future, act on a hunch, set the course, chart new waters, find the cure, spark the interest, and ignite the fire. Resurrection fuels the momentum not only to make a difference in the world, but make a different world altogether.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!


Paul Gauche is the Pastor of Life Transitions at Prince of Peace. His posts are part of his #100days50works project, where be blogs about a different word each day. You can follow his project on Instagram (@pgauche), or on his blog, Thriving Rhythms.

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