Proposed Lead Pastor Call Committee By Posted September 26, 2022 In Call Committee Proposed Lead Pastor Call Committee2022-09-262024-04-02 of Peace Lutheran Church 0 Shortly after announcing his intention to retire, Pastor Jeff asked the Board if he could contract with a consultant who specializes in pastoral transitions in churches. With a deep desire for this leadership transition to go well, Pastor Jeff wanted outside expertise to guide him and Prince of Peace leadership in this process. Pastor Jeff raised funds outside of our regular budget and contracted with Dave Travis from an organization called Generis. While Dave will not be involved in our call process, he will consult with staff and Board leadership for a period of six months. According to our Constitution, the Board of Directors is tasked with discerning and recruiting a Call Committee as we seek a new Lead Pastor. Our consultant advised the Board to seek Call Committee candidates based on their love for Prince of Peace and their passion for the future thriving of our church, rather than seeking representatives from various constituencies and demographics. Together the Board surfaced over 60 names as possible candidates for a nine-person Call Committee. Working through a ranking process the Board began recruiting the top candidates and were delighted by the affirmative responses we received. Now, according to our Constitution, the Board is recommending this Call Committee to the congregation for affirmation. That vote will take place at a special congregational meeting during all worship services the weekend of October 8-9. All members 18 years and older are encouraged to vote. Voting must be done in person and will be done with a written ballot. See names, pictures and a brief biography of each of the proposed Call Committee members below. If affirmed, the Call Committee will begin their work with an orientation session lead by Saint Paul Area Synod Bishop Patricia Lull. Then a profile of our congregation and community, along with a profile of the kind of candidate we are seeking, will be developed. It is our hope that the Call Committee will begin receiving information about potential candidates in January 2023. If you have questions or concerns about the process, please don’t hesitate to contact our Board of Directors. Barb Peterson Board President Diane Burrow I am honored to serve on the Lead Pastor Call Committee. I have been a member of Prince of Peace for over 28 years and have been involved with the Church Board, Small Groups, Senior Ministry, Spiritual Care, Family Ministry (including preschool, youth, confirmation), Women’s Ministry, and Mega Sale to name a few. My hopes and dreams for POP is to focus on bringing and keeping people grounded in Christ, restoring a firmer church foundation post-Covid, emphasizing personal and global spiritual growth, and becoming a community of people seeking to follow Christ in our technological, busy, divided world. Psalm 33:22 “May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” Camilla Crosby My husband and I discovered Prince of Peace in 2004 and were drawn to the message and the music. We became members in 2006. Since then, I have been involved in many areas of Children’s and Student Ministry including Vacation Bible School, CDLC Preschool (serving as Carnival Chair and on the Advisory Board), small group leader and more. I have also been involved in Moms of Preschoolers (MOPS), small groups, the vocal team, and the One Church campaign. As a parent who has watched my children grow in the church, I am excited to see where our church can grow in the future. I hope we can continue to collaborate with and be a reflection of the community we serve. Nicole Dennis I became a Prince of Peace member when we moved to Savage 11 years ago, and have served in various areas including MOPS, Mega Sale, Mission Outpost and choir during the holidays. I currently serve on the POP Board Nominating Committee and Jody Slaughter’s Internship Committee. I participate in a parent small group, Moms Next, and Student Ministry. POP has been a special part of my family’s life and I have enjoyed my children growing up in a church that’s values align with our families’ values. It’s a time of change at POP with Pastor Jeff moving on to his next chapter. I’m honored that I was chosen to be a part of the journey on the Lead Pastor Call Committee and look forward to supporting the church in finding a new lead pastor. My hope for POP is we that continue to be a welcoming and open environment for both the community in the church and the community around us. It’s an honor and privilege to call POP our church. Sue Gravermoen I have been a member of Prince of Peace for 5 years, joining with my wife Donna in May 2017. I enjoy volunteering at Mission Outpost every Monday evening helping clients with food insecurity by being the heart, hands and feet of Jesus. I have worked for a medical device company for the past 18 years with the current role of Supervisor of Immunoassay Customer Technical Support. My hopes and dreams for Prince of Peace are that we continue to be a welcoming church for all people with hopes to continue to grow a more diverse faith community. Emily Hammerstrom I am a lifelong member of Prince of Peace. I was baptized here, grew up in Children’s and Middle School Ministry, and now I’m a Student Ministry leader myself! I’m also a member of the Prince of Peace Foundation Board as well as part of the steering committee of the newly formed young adult ministry, Message Community. My hope for Prince of Peace is that we would embrace this time of change to continue to grow as an inclusive congregation! Let’s continue to be the church that welcomes everyone as they are and strives to serve its surrounding community. Don Johnson My wife Wendy and I have been members since 1980. We have lived, raised our family and worked south of the river. My involvement over the years started with a Young Christian Leadership course under Pastor Merv Thompson. I served as a Sunday school teacher when our children were young, led Bible studies and have sung in the choir. I have been a part of fund raising efforts for most of the church additions and was involved in architectural and contractor review during the recent One Church campaign. As we move through the upcoming changes and transitions, my hopes are that Prince of Peace will continue to be a Connecting Church, helping people grow in their individual relationships with God and serving our local and world communities, all as a Christ-centered Church. Karen Odegard Forty-seven years ago, I became a Prince of Peace member. One way I’ve connected with children, teens, and adults ever since then is by participating in small groups. As a former POP staff member, it was my privilege to team with staff and volunteers in numerous projects, events, and ministry opportunities. Spiritual growth and relationships develop through such collaborations. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, our congregation has established a solid foundation for deepening personal relationships with God and serving as the heart and hands of Jesus in our congregation, our community, and beyond. Please pray with me that POP continues to unite to welcome all, to seek, listen to and discern God’s call as we journey together into future ministry with Jesus Christ. Jessica Olstad My husband and I have been proud Prince of Peace members for nine years. Our family is actively involved in worship arts (celebration choir, worship arts team, POP Kids choir) and other ways to promote our “Called to Connect” mission. I’ve served on our Church 2.0 committee for three years and have also given time to hiring and “digital future” sub-groups. It’s my honor to be part of a church that extends its collective hand to all in the community; we’ve set the standard for what true, compassionate outreach looks like. Change brings new ideas and perspectives, and my heart’s desire is to further embrace the changing face of the church and be a comfortable place for all (inside or outside of our walls). Kyle Pederson I started attending POP in 1998, signing on as the choir’s piano accompanist. I enjoyed it so much that I still serve in that role, 24 years later. I have served on the POP Board of Directors as well as both recent capital campaign committees; I have served on the worship arts team for the past eight years and many Sundays you’ll see me at the piano playing with the worship band. My wife, Katie, and I were married here, our kiddos, Rebekah (11) and Rowan (8) are involved in Family Ministry, and the community has surrounded me with support on my spiritual journey. My overarching hope is that POP can be that welcoming, encouraging, supportive, inclusive, and faithful presence in the lives of countless others within these church walls…and beyond. Prince of Peace Recent PostsStrategic Planning Process Congregational Survey Results 2025 Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Strategic Plan: General Process OverviewCongregational Survey for Strategic Planning Process