March 2021 Update: One Church Transformation By Posted March 26, 2021 In Featured, Land & Building March 2021 Update: One Church Transformation2021-03-262021-03-26 of Peace Lutheran Church 0 Week of March 21: Framing work is in progress for the new Mission Outpost, Dental Clinic, and Child Care area in the old Fellowship Hall. Excavation work is underway on the west side of the building where a 5,500 square foot addition will provide needed storage and receiving space for Mission Outpost, a loading dock, refrigeration and freezer space, and storage for furniture ministry and facilities. The west side drive lane and old preschool playground have been removed. Sheetrock in the new Chapel is complete, and wiring is done for the sound and lighting technology. The worship platform and wood ceilings will be installed next. Further construction plans include reorientation and renovation of the Sanctuary, creation of music rehearsal space, replacement of HVAC equipment and roof, and update of the electrical system and worship technology in the Sanctuary. The final project scope in this phase is dependent upon the total pledges to the Get It dONE capital campaign. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a commitment to the Get It dONE capital campaign, please visit to make your pledge online and join us in finishing what we started. Mission Outpost: Chapel: Week of March 14: Concrete was poured on the in-filled surface in the new Mission Outpost area. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a commitment to the Get It dONE capital campaign, please visit to make your pledge online and join us in finishing what we started. Mission Outpost: Week of March 7: Sheetrock work is finishing up in the Chapel. The new Mission Outpost area gets prepped for the concrete floor to be poured next week. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a commitment to the Get It dONE capital campaign, please visit to make your pledge online and join us in finishing what we started. Chapel: Mission Outpost: Week of February 28: Sand in-filling is now complete and plumbing has started in the new Mission Outpost area. Sheet rock was delivered and installation started in the new Chapel. If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a commitment to the Get It dONE capital campaign, please visit to make your pledge online and join us in finishing what we started. Chapel: Mission Outpost: popmn Recent PostsStrategic Planning Process Congregational Survey Results 2025 Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Strategic Plan: General Process OverviewCongregational Survey for Strategic Planning Process