Manifesto [of Gratitude]

 In Featured, Pastor Paul's Blog

By Pastor Paul Gauche

Today’s Word: ‘Manifesto’ as in… a Manifesto of Gratitude.

The Thriving Rhythms Project, aka, Thriv’ëon, challenges us to move with thoughtful purpose toward a deepened sense of identity that we are spirited, creative, and connected, called to be present, grateful, generous, missional people. In our Thrivers groups, we explore what it means to live with intention into these seven life rhythms, which help us bring some good to each day, something better to each moment, and our best to each other as we encounter the world around us.

Each of the seven rhythms [spirited, creative, connected, present, grateful, generous, missional] has a manifesto. For example, the manifesto of gratitude has a strong statement of purpose: “We thrive as grateful people by practicing gratitude as a spirited discipline, remembering, with joy and thanksgiving, that all we have is a gift of grace. As children of God, we live as grateful human beings knowing that we are blessed not merely to be blessed but blessed to bring blessing to others.

Create some gracious conversation using these “Seven Grateful Questions…”

  • What stories of gratitude will you be sharing this year in this season of thanksgiving?
  • How would you describe the difference between gratitude and thankfulness?
  • How can you live a grateful life in the face of pain and suffering?
  • Consider a challenging situation in your life. Is there any aspect of that situation for which you can express gratitude?
  • Bring to mind someone who practices gratitude. How does practicing gratitude enrich that person’s life?
  • When you are around people who seldom seem to be grateful, how does that impact you? How can you encourage them to be more open to practicing gratitude?
  • Imagine you are on your deathbed. What are you grateful for at that moment? Are there things that you would like to change in your life now so that you can indeed be thankful for a life well-lived when death comes?

As you lean into practicing gratitude this week, here’s a kind of mantra for you to use. Find a quiet place to rest for a few moments. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then speak this sentence a few times:

“As a child of God, I am a ‘grateful’ human being, blessed not merely to be blessed but blessed to be a blessing to others.”


Paul Gauche is the Pastor of Life Transitions at Prince of Peace. His posts are part of his #100days50words project, where he blogs about a different word each week. You can follow his project on Instagram (@pgauche) or on his blog, Thriving Rhythms.


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