Weekend Worship ON-CAMPUS | SATURDAY 5:30 pm ON-CAMPUS | SUNDAY 8:45 & 10:30 AM ONLINE | 8:45 & 10:30 AM
You may make your 3-year online commitment to the Get It dONE campaign using the form below. If you are giving automatically, please set up or update your automatic giving to reflect your Get It dONE campaign pledge.
How will you respond? Start with gratitude. Spend time thinking of ways that God has blessed you through this ministry. Rather than thinking about what you can or can’t afford, ask God, “Lord, what do you want me to give?” That simple shift in thinking changes this process from a financial transaction to a spiritual practice. It dares us to believe that God can do more through us than we could do on our own, so not only does ministry grow; we grow in faith. It is a privilege to invest in the future of God’s work in the world through Prince of Peace, just as many saints invested their resources to make our faith journey possible. How might we pay it forward for all that has been given to us?
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