From Vision to Reality By Posted October 6, 2014 In Pastor Jeff's Blog, Vision From Vision to Reality2014-10-062014-10-06 of Peace Lutheran Church 1 For the last few weeks we’ve been talking about the vision for our future at Prince of Peace. If you haven’t yet read the vision or watched the video I would encourage you to do that here. Discerning the vision was exciting and challenging, but I suspect that transforming the vision into reality will be even more exciting and challenging. Years ago I sprained my right thumb. Being right-handed meant that I had to eat with my left hand for a while. Same good food; slightly different experience! It was awkward and a little messy. So many things about Prince of Peace are going to remain the same. We’ll still enjoy awesome worship together and small group community. We’ll still equip kids, students and parents to grow as Christ-followers. We’ll still provide quality spiritual care for those in need. We’ll still celebrate baptisms, weddings and funerals. We’ll still have a facility to call home. And to respond to the needs of an ever-changing world we’ll do some things a little differently. We’ll do many ministries collaboratively with other churches and organizations rather than doing them on our own. We’ll re-evaluate the space we currently have and consider what we’ll actually need. We’ll be challenged to think less about belonging to church and more about being the Church wherever we live, go to school, work and play. We’ll focus our resources on what’s essential, doing less in order to accomplish more. We’ll focus less on being big in numbers and focus more on being a faith community of big impact. It might feel a little awkward. It might be a little messy. But it’ll all be good in the end because God is good, and God is going to walk the entire journey with us. There’s a place for everyone in Prince of Peace’s vision. You’re wanted. You’re prayers, gifts, skills and experience are needed. Let’s do this together. I think we’ll be amazed at what God can do in us and through us! Someone sent me this video last week. I found this young man’s vision for the Church challenging. Take a few minutes to watch it here, and then leave a comment to let me know what you think. popmn Recent PostsStrategic Planning Process Congregational Survey Results 2025 Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Strategic Plan: General Process OverviewCongregational Survey for Strategic Planning Process Comments Rebekah October 6, 2014 I just watched the video you linked to at the end of your post, and I have to say that I think it’s very well done. Thanks for sharing it! I think it speaks a lot of truths and speaks them respectfully and clearly – and very beautifully, too! We tend to feel more a compelled, and more a part of a church and of our faith when we’re a part of the story. Academic study is useful and has it’s place, but it’s not everything. Service projects are active reflections of God’s love, and have their place, but they’re not everything. We have to be a part of the story, and I’m excited to see how our stories entwine as our vision becomes Our Reality.