Follow Jesus By Posted June 7, 2021 In Featured, Pastor Jeff's Blog Follow Jesus2021-06-072021-06-07 of Peace Lutheran Church 0 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said. – Matthew 4:19 Jesus never said, “Be like me.” Being transformed into the likeness of Jesus is the work of the Holy Spirit. If you’ve been working hard to become more like Jesus let me ask you…how’s that working for you? Frustrated? Guilt-ridden? Shame-filled? Yep. So, stop. Instead, Jesus called you to follow him. And you’re called to follow him as the best, healthiest, most whole version of the person God created you to be. Not as St. Margaret who sits in the third pew on Sunday morning, or the preacher who pretends to have it all together. You follow Jesus as your unique self. Don’t try to be more like Jesus. Follow Jesus more like you. What do you sense the Spirit calling you to these days? What internal or external nudges are you sensing? Perhaps that’s where Jesus is calling you to follow. Go there. Do that. Jeff Marian serves as lead pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN popmn Recent PostsStrategic Planning Process Congregational Survey Results 2025 Capital Campaign Feasibility Study Strategic Plan: General Process OverviewCongregational Survey for Strategic Planning Process