A Worship Update From Pastor Paul Dean: June 28, 2024

 In Transition Blog

Prince of Peace Family and Friends,

As we move through this season of transition, I am daily reminded of God’s faithfulness. God is faithful and continues to lead us. God’s voice speaks to us, which leads us to be intentional in all that we do. One of the ways we hear God’s voice is through listening to one another. This past fall, we gathered for 14 listening sessions where you shared your hopes, dreams, and concerns for the future of Prince of Peace.

Your voices echoed a resounding love for Prince of Peace—a place where countless ministries have facilitated significant connections with God for you, your loved ones and friends. You expressed the desire to continue calling Prince of Peace your home but also a shared concern for our future. You shared, no, you named out loud what everyone can see with their own eyes. We are an aging congregation and what was compelling for previous generations may not speak as clearly to those emerging today.

I truly believe that God spoke to our community through you and, in doing so, has brought amazing clarity. In response, I am reflecting that clarity back to you.

Thanks to your honest and deeply passionate feedback, we are focusing intentionally on two main areas: caring for and expanding our ministry offerings for both our established and emerging generations, and creating compelling opportunities to connect with those who are not yet here.

A significant aspect of this response involves our worship experiences. Beginning this fall, we will offer distinct worship services to cater to different preferences within our community. Our Saturday evening service will remain contemporary, featuring a band-led experience with communion every week. Sunday morning will see an early service that leans traditional, showcasing our own unique “Prince of Peace” traditional liturgy, complete with hymns, organ and choir, brass, handbells, and flute ensembles. The later Sunday service will be modern/contemporary, providing a vibrant, distinctly different worship experience. Some of the differences will include lighting, staging and song selection.

These intentional and purposeful changes are made for the future life and health of Prince of Peace, continuing our mission of proclaiming the Gospel as deep, far and wide as we can.

When I started my time at Prince of Peace back in 1996, we were known in the community as the “changing church” as we worked hard to find compelling reasons for people to connect and grow spiritually through our ministries. Many of you have, and still do, experience that reality here at Prince of Peace. However, the time has come again to stoke and rekindle the Holy Spirit fire that is so much a part of our DNA by seeking new ways to be compelling while honoring our rich history and staying true to the Gospel.

I am excited as we move intentionally into the future together.


Pastor Paul Dean

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  • Carol Oeltjenbruns

    Thanks for bringing back a traditional service.

  • Chris Erickson

    Thank you, Pastor Dean. I am glad I am not in your shoes. You have a tough job. In our changing, bustling world, time is precious, and there are so many things that demand our attention, particularly for younger families. We end up paying more attention, and spending more time with the things that add value to our lives, and give us a sense of belonging to something bigger and meaningful. We want to “invest” our time and resources in something that makes a difference. For me, that means paying attention to the changing world around me and figuring out how I can make a meaningful contribution to it. Jesus has given us the resources to make that impact, not to focus on my own needs but lighten the load of others who are hurting. I think that people of faith, no matter what that faith is, have that common desire to make a difference and be helpful. But they need leadership to get them to work together. It is better to work together than trying to do it alone. This has been demonstrated in events like Feed My Starving Children. I think that model could be used to address other needs as well.

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