0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted December 30, 2021MagiBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Magi’ as in… those ancient travelers who arrived in Bethlehem later. Much later. The Nativity scene that was part of the Christmas [...] READ MORE
0 By Jason Kramme In Featured, Pastor Jason's BlogPosted December 27, 2021Always Winter, Never Christmasby Jason Kramme One of the greatest joys of parenthood has been witnessing the joy of Christmas in my kids. There is one video of my older son that my wife and I come back to often where [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted December 22, 2021FutureBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Future’ as in… the longing we experience at Christmas might not be so much about looking back as it is about looking ahead. We’re [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted December 16, 20212,974By Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: 2,974 as in… 2,974 moments of joy. This will be a reach for some. But please go with me. I’m going to “hoop” for 350 words. Wardell [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted December 9, 2021AstonishBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: Astonish as in… can the stable still astonish us? The conversation around the table moved through several of the most recent devotions from Welcome the [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Jeff's BlogPosted December 6, 2021Real LifeThough he was God, Christ did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges, he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted December 2, 2021PeaceBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Peace’ as in… this is why we pursue peace actively. It happened again this morning. And really, what breaks my heart most is the use of the [...] READ MORE
0 By Mark Slaughter In Featured, Mark Slaughter's BlogPosted December 1, 2021Our biggest Secret…Doubt!by Mark Slaughter Throughout my 38 years of ministry, I struggled with doubt. That’s right, doubt. It is the secret that no pastor or ministry leader wants to admit. If you are like me, you can [...] READ MORE