0 By Mark Slaughter In Featured, Mark Slaughter's BlogPosted August 30, 20215 Ways to Prepare For Online Worshipby Mark Slaughter Online worship continues to provide a way for many of us to stay connected to God and to our church; however, like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Land & BuildingPosted August 26, 2021August 2021 Update: One Church TransformationThe new Chapel is a beautiful, multi-use space that will seat up to 300 people. The wood walls are now complete, and our technology contractor is putting the finishing touches on our new [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 26, 2021DenialBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Denial’… as in it’s really not what you think. In the Gospel of Mark (8:34-35), Jesus tells his followers: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny [...] READ MORE
0 By Jason Kramme In Featured, Pastor Jason's BlogPosted August 23, 2021“What a Culture!”By Pastor Jason Kramme This summer our nine-year-old took the plunge into Taekwondo. To say that he was nervous before his first day would have been an understatement. He had never participated [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 19, 2021DiscomfortBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Discomfort’… as in 182 of the most discomforting words I’ve read today. Dietrich continues to challenge us to think through the meaning of discipleship. To be [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Pastor Sandy's BlogPosted August 16, 2021UnPredictableHave you ever thought of life as Unpredictable? Since March of 2020 many of us have experienced “unpredictable” in a whole new way! “Normal” seems to be ancient history. Since the pandemic [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted August 5, 2021BonhoefferBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Bonhoeffer’ as in… Dietrich. Nancy Lee and I are in Berlin, Germany studying the life and theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We’re part of a class taught by [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Jeff's BlogPosted August 2, 2021Gender Equality and the Tokyo GamesSo God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27 At the first modern Olympic games, held in Athens in 1896, there [...] READ MORE