0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Jeff's BlogPosted March 29, 2021The Lost Art of ListeningEveryone should be quick to listen, slow to speak…. – James 1:19 It happened again. I was talking with a friend and brought up something I’d been struggling with. Without missing a beat my friend [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Land & BuildingPosted March 26, 2021March 2021 Update: One Church TransformationWeek of March 21: Framing work is in progress for the new Mission Outpost, Dental Clinic, and Child Care area in the old Fellowship Hall. Excavation work is underway on the west side of the [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted March 25, 2021DonkeyBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: “Donkey” as in… this beautiful poem by Mary Oliver about the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. The story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem at the [...] READ MORE
0 By Jason Kramme In Featured, Pastor Jason's BlogPosted March 22, 2021Simple Three-Part Bible Study ToolBy Pastor Jason Kramme For the last six months, Prince of Peace has been participating in a grant project through Luther Seminary called Congregations in a Secular Age. Near the heart of [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted March 18, 2021ThawBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: “Thaw” as in… defrost, melt, loosen, warm. The ground is thawing. Sheets of ice are turning to puddles of water. Mountains of snow piled high by snow plows, [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Sandy's BlogPosted March 15, 2021Spring into new life!It is that time of year again when we “spring ahead” with our clocks! The time change in the spring is always difficult for me. I enjoy my sleep and somehow when we move our clocks [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted March 11, 2021HelpBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘HELP!” as in… asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is, ultimately, a sign of humanness. Perhaps you were among the 17.1 million viewers who watched [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted March 8, 2021TimeBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Time’ as in… time flies, but the “time in between times” is never wasted time. The conversation in my small group is exploring what it means to be “fully [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted March 3, 2021ListenBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Listen’ as in… Mother Teresa’s method of praying. Some of us were talking together about the purposes and methods of prayer in worship. Sometimes the prayers [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Jeff's BlogPosted March 1, 2021Lamenting the Past to Heal the PresentOur parents sinned and are no more, and now we’re paying for the wrongs they did. – Lamentations 5:7 It is human nature to resist pain. We repress negative emotions. We avoid conflict. We [...] READ MORE