1 By popmn In Featured, Land & BuildingPosted February 26, 2021February 2021 Update: One Church TransformationPhase 2 of our One Church Transformation project began in mid-January with demolition work in the old Fellowship Hall area. All of the original preschool walls, kitchen, and old round bathrooms [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted February 25, 2021InstructionsBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Instructions” as in… Mary Oliver’s Instructions for living a life. In early 2019 the world was diminished ever so slightly by the passing of a bright poetic [...] READ MORE
0 By Jason Kramme In Featured, Pastor Jason's BlogPosted February 22, 2021Three Reasons Your Devotional Habit Doesn’t Stick and How to Change itby Jason Kramme The popular fitness app Strava has deemed January 19th “Quitter’s Day.” Based on their user data, it is the point where their New Year’s resolution subscribers finally drop-off [...] READ MORE
1 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted February 18, 2021MarkedBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘marked’ as in… I’m a marked man. You’re a marked woman. We’re a marked people. If the central message of the season of Advent (the four week preparation for [...] READ MORE
0 By Prince of Peace In FeaturedPosted February 16, 2021Racial Justice ResourcesUpdated February 2021 Are you looking for ways to learn more about racial justice? The Prince of Peace leadership recommends these resources to help you learn about and fight racism with grace, [...] READ MORE
0 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Sandy's BlogPosted February 15, 2021AshesBy Pastor Sandy Rothschiller This week we will continue the ancient ritual of placing ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday. As I kid, I never went to Ash Wednesday services. I thought Ash [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted February 11, 2021Post-ItBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Post-It’ as in… the important note I wrote myself: “Where are you right now? Come back.” My natural tendency is to jump ahead, to think about what’s [...] READ MORE
0 By Paul Gauche In Featured, Pastor Paul's BlogPosted February 4, 2021CandlemasBy Pastor Paul Gauche Today’s Word: ‘Candlemas’ as in… the ancient festival of light marking the shortest and darkest days of the year. According to the ancient Celtic calendar, each year is [...] READ MORE
1 By popmn In Featured, Pastor Jeff's BlogPosted February 1, 2021Not Normal“I can’t wait until things get back to normal.” I’ve uttered those words dozens of times in the past 10 months. I want to be able to go out to dinner with Nancy. I want to be able to grab coffee [...] READ MORE